0megustaQué os parece la participación de la selección de cataluña en la copa america de hockey patines?
5 respuestas - Hockey
5megusta¿Sabías que el cuerpo humano solo resiste 96 kuag?
5 respuestas - Hockey
1megusta¿Cómo eran las representaciones en la antigua grecia?


5 respuestas - Hockey
1megustaDónde puedo comprar palos de hockey sobre patines en la plata?

No consigo en ninguna casa de deportes

3 respuestas - Hockey
1megustaC'est ce qu'il faut éviter s'il veut apprendre à pirater la plateforme instagram de quelqu'un sans rien charger?
2 respuestas - Hockey
0megustaCómo puedo patinar en hielo?

porfavor ayndenme todos mis amigosabn patinar y yo no

2 respuestas - Hockey
1megusta¿Puede ser que algunas técnicas del hockey sobre hielo se consideren ilegales en el hockey sobre césped?

Dado que se trata de dos deportes con la misma base,tengo dudas acerca de algunas técnicas de uno y del otro.

2 respuestas - Hockey
0megustaWhen will nhl season start?

I'm a fan of hockey on ice and i'd like to know when the regular season begins.

2 respuestas - Hockey
1megusta¿Cuál es el ancho que tienen las lineas que delimitan las áreas ofensivas defensivas, neutral, etc en las pistas de hockey?
2 respuestas - Hockey
0megustaShould sports stars speak the official language of the team's country?

A Quebec separatist has criticized Montreal Canadiens captain Saku Koivu for not speaking French during a recent introduction he did of his teammates.


Do you feel that a player on a sports team should be required to speak the language spoken in that city? In Montreal, language is always a hot topic. I think understanding and using the language is probably favorable, but should it be mandatory?

Would that not lead to some players being unable (due to laws) or unwilling to play for certain teams because they will be felt unwelcome?

Does M. Bertrand want the best players on Quebec teams so we have an equal chance at the Stanley Cup, or does he just want the best francophone players and who cares if we compete or not?

If we can choose Evgeni Malkin or Alexandre Picard in the NHL Draft, do we pick Picard because he speaks French even though the Russian has more potential?

A Quebec separatist has criticized Montreal Canadiens captain Saku Koivu for not speaking French during a recent introduction he did of his...

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2 respuestas - Hockey
0megustaSo, how much longer is the nhl going to tolerate tom wilson's headhunting?
1 respuestas - Hockey